Monday, 14 November 2016

Elements of Health And Safety Management System

Elements of Health And Safety Management System : Policy:                    A clear Statement has to be made to establish to establish health and safety as a prime commitment of management at all level of the organisation. Organising:                   A framework of roles and responsibilities for...

Possible Cost that on Occupational accident

Possible Cost  that on Occupational accident : Direct Cost: First-aid Treatment sick pay Repair to Equipment Lost or damaged Product Lost production time Overtime cover for the injured person Fines in Criminal court Compensation payment to victim Indirect Cost: Investigation time Lost employee morale Cost of additional control measures Compliance with enforcement notice Damaged...

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

The Employer's Duty

The Employer has a duty to provide the Following: Safe Place to Work :                                           The employer creates the place of work which should be reasonable safe and without risk to health. Safe plant and equipment:              ...

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

The Scope and Nature of Occupational Health And Safety

KEY INFORMATION: The Study of Health and Safety involves the study of many different subjects including Science (Chemistry, Physics and biology) ,Engineering, Psychology,Sociology and the Law. There are many barriers to good standards of Health and Safety in work place:Work place may be Complex...