Tuesday, 11 October 2016

The Scope and Nature of Occupational Health And Safety


  • The Study of Health and Safety involves the study of many different subjects including Science (Chemistry, Physics and biology) ,Engineering, Psychology,Sociology and the Law.
  • There are many barriers to good standards of Health and Safety in work place:Work place may be Complex ;There are often Competing and Conflicting demands placed upon people and organisation; The good Health and Safety practice often relies on the perfect behavior of induividuals;

  •  Key Definitions are:
  1. Health  -  The absence of disease.
  2. Safety   -  The absence of Risk of serious personal injury.
  3. Welfare -  Access to basic facilities.
  4. Accident  -  An unplanned, unwanted event which leads to injury, damage or loss.
  5. Near Miss  -  An unplanned, unwanted event that had the potential to lead to injury,damage or loss(but did not actually do so).
  6. Dangerous occurrence  - A specified event that may have to be reported to the relevant authority by law.
  7. Hazard  -  Something with potential to cause harm. 
  8. Risk  - The likelihood that a hazard will cause harm, in combination with the severity of injury, damage or loss that might occur. 

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